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Dory Fish

Dory Fish.

Dory, St. Pierre or Peter Fish, Zeus, especially Zeus Faber, refers to the fish of mass distribution. It is an edible decimal coastal marine fish with a long dark olive-yellow body with long dark spectacles and long spines on the dorsal fin. If the danger persists, the dark spot is used to flash the "evil eye". Its large eyes on the front of the head give them telescopic vision and a sense of depth that is important for hunters. Dory's eye area next to his body also confuses the prey, which is in his largemouth.

In New Zealand, the Mওori know it as the Kuru, and on the east coast of the North Island, they gave Captain James Cook some presents on his first voyage in 1999. Several of these courses were synthesized.

The John Dory is a food fish of the Atlantic and Mediterranean, is one of the better-known species. It ranges from the shore to waters about 200 m (650 feet) deep and reaches a maximum length of about 90 cm (3 feet). Grayish, with a distinctive, yellow-ringed black spot on each side, it has long pelvic fins, long, filamentous dorsal-fin spines, and rows of spines on the belly and at the bases of the dorsal and anal fins. A similar species, Z. japonica, is found in the Pacific.

Dory, St. Pierre or Peter Fish, Zeus, especially Zeus Faber, refers to the fish of mass distribution. It is an edible demersal coastal marine fish with a long compressed olive-yellow body with a huge dark spot and a long spine on the dorsal fin. If the danger persists, the dark spot is used to flash the ‘evil eye’. Its large eyes on the front of the head give it telescopic vision and a sense of depth, which is important for hunters. The place of Dory's eye next to his body also confuses the prey, which lies within his large mouth.

In New Zealand, the Mওori know it as the Kuru, and on the east coast of the North Island they gave Captain James Cook some presents on his first voyage to New Zealand in 1 some699. Several of these cos were synthesized.

Various, often dubious explanations are given about the origin of the name. It could be a volunteer or joker variant of Dory (from French Drew, Gilded), or John Dory’s inspiration, the hero of an old band. Others suggest that "John" comes from the French Jaun, yellow. Jules Verne's novel The Antarctic Mystery gives another account, which is somewhat popular but perhaps fictional: "By the grace of St. Peter, the legendary bandit of this bifurcated title is the 'gatekeeper,' who brought a fish. 'Law "St. Pierre" or "Peter Fish", probably explaining why Dorie Pra Also known as "Peter Boats", St. Peter was a patron of fishermen. [5]


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