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Azure Dam-selfish

Azure Dam-selfish

The Dam selfish, also referred to as the Half-blue Dam selfish, may be a two-tone. darting marine fish. The front portion of the body is azure . The posterior portion, anal fin, and tail are yellow[9]. there's a species variation within the amount of yellow on the body of the fish. (Some call C. paraphrase the Azure Dam selfish, however, within the aquarium trade, the Azure Damselfish is taken into account to be this fish, C. anemically.)
A 30 gallon aquarium or larger with many rockwork and décor is right . Because it can tolerate substandard water parameters, it's a well-liked fish among beginning hobbyists. alittle group of juvenile Azure Damsels will add color and drama to most marine aquariums. Maintain this species with other semi-aggressive fish, as they will become territorial as they mature. In larger reef aquariums, this is often normally not a drag if many hiding places are provided.

The Azure Dam selfish diet should contains quality flake foods, frozen meaty foods like brine or my sis shrimp and infrequently dried seaweed offered on a feeding clip.


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