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Among the aquarium hobbies are probably the recognized freshwater fish, the Angelfish Cichlid family. Admired for their eye-catching swimming behavior, the Angelphis make stunning additions to large community aquariums. Aquarium hobby wild-caught angelfish are rare, mostly fish-captured for sale. Silver with wild angelfish black vertical stripe, however, through select breeding, many color patterns as well as long-tailed species, known as “details”, have developed over the years. Among the hobbies, most angelfish are sold are terophilam but the altar is occasionally available. Angelis, the third, smallest, and most invasive species is rarely seen.

An angelfish natural habitat
Angelfish are a large area of ​​native South America, where most of the Amazon River system is native to their natural habitat. These are found almost exclusively in calm, slow-moving waters. In wild areas, they prefer vaguely illuminated areas, under low vegetation or in trees that have fallen into the river.

The need for water for angelfish
Angelis raised by captives accept a wide range of water conditions, although they prefer slightly warmer water. The pH should be between 8.6 and.৮, with a hardness between 3 3 to 8 ° dKH (54 to 145 ppm). Temperatures are best kept between 788 degrees to 64 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain good filtration and perform 10% weekly or 25% water changes per week Aquion Aquarium Water Changer or Siphon Vacuum Grave Cleaner. Be sure to treat the tap water with aqueous water conditioner before refilling your tank!

Housing Proposals for Angelfish
Angelfish are quite large and require 55 gallons or more of aquarium once fully grown. Tall aquariums are suitable for their body size. The water flow should be gentle and the decker should include large broadleaf plants and driftwood that are arranged vertically to mimic the down branches and trees. A few floating plants can also be added to provide shaded areas and cover. The substrate should be fine from medium grade, smooth-surfaced gravel, as angelfish prefer to graze along the bottom for food.

Behavior/adjustment for angelfish
Although angelfish are generally quiet fish, they can be cichlids and attack each other, especially when trying to mate and spread. Also, they will not hesitate to eat small fish. This does not mean that they are aggressive, as many aquarists believe; Like most fish, they are opportunistic and will eat anything that suits their mouths. Suitable tankmates include larger tetras and raspberries, gouramis, peaceful barbs, rainbowfish, corridors, and other medium-sized catfish. Angelfish can be kept in large aquariums with discs if the temperature is kept above 62 degrees Fahrenheit.

What do angelfish eat?
Angelfish will feed on the surface or middle water, but in nature they often graze along the bottom, looking for worms and small crustaceans. These will find success in all-cell and aquatic tropical flakes, colored flakes, tropical granules, and shrimp pellets. Cold and live foods can be fed as a treat or help induce spoofing. For best results, rotate their diet every day and feed them only what they can eat once or twice a day for 2 to 3 minutes.

Angelfish reproductive level - intermediate
Adult angelfish will mate and spawn easily. They clean a flat vertical surface on which they lay their eggs and repel other fish. Rows and rows of eggs are laid on the surface of the egg and the males follow, they are dried. Unfortunately, most captive angelfish have lost the tendency to breed and usually eat their eggs or fry. Breeders induce pairs to spawn on vertical pieces of slate or other material, which they move to hatchery aquariums for raising.


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